Renewal Therapeutic Massage and Wellness
Renew your self. Revive your health..............................................508-369-3066

QiGong is part of Traditional Chinese Medicine and considered a moving meditation.  "Qi" means Life Force Energy and "Gong" means "expertise with" or "cultivation of".  So QiGong translated means "Cultivation of Life Force Energy".  This system of cultivating life force energy has been around for about 4000 years.

Using simple, easy to follow effortless movements you can nourish the flow of "qi" throughout your body to increase your energy, improve your health, and create long lasting wellbeing.  The movements are gentle, uplifting and easy to do and fun.

Come enjoy a class and walk away feeling wonderful! 

Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
Member, Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals 508-369-3066
117 Eastman Street, Easton, MA 02375
© Copyright 2025 Renewal Therapeutic Massage and Wellness. All rights reserved.